From the performance event to its enunciations presents a reflection on the ways in which memory of dance event is built through a verbal and written scenario in which dance extends its communicative borders. Once the dance disappears as an event, it reappears in the field of memory as a dissemination process that travels through the word, the body, the text, the image and the sound. These are enunciations that dance produces. Different types of reappearances reactivate dance experience, widening the borders of the event and inserting itself into social life.
Dance is displaced in time: it happens, resonates and moves in time; and this displacement of dance in memory is not condensed as a unit, or in a particular form of memory, but the memories of dance make up a complex world in which many types of voices, formats, and scenarios resonates.
This document starts from the question about the memory of dance as a concept and as a practice managed in and by the body, which leads to a reflection that is based on the analysis of different types of texts that emerge in the context of dance as well as in the same choreographic practice that becomes a field of research. In this text I present the choreographic research Volume 18 No.1 carried out in 2010 within the framework of my master’s degree in choreography.
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