Assessment process

Each of the articles received is submitted to a review process (double blind) and selection in two stages: internal by a member of the Editorial Committee who will evaluate the originality and relevance of the article, and subsequently, external by two referees who, under the double blind review modality, will issue their concept on the scientific quality, structure, rationale, handling of sources and conceptual rigor. Within two (2) months after sending the text, the author will be notified of the result of the evaluation process. The journal counts on the collaboration of external evaluators outside the editorial team and the publishing institution.

Depending on the quality of the text, it may be decided if the article is publishable, if it should be republished, or if it is not yet ready for publication. The qualification criteria for the articles are: Acceptance; Acceptance conditioned to adjustments; Revise and resubmit for next call for papers; and Rejected.

Acceptance: the article should present the research problem in a clear manner. The author should discuss, with a reflective and critical stance, the scientific literature related to art studies; the document should clearly establish the theoretical background, the research method and articulate them in all sections of the article. If tables and figures are used, they should be clear and mentioned in the text. The bibliography should be cited in the article and be up to date (last 8 years). Regarding the form, it must present a clear structure and wording with appropriate language and applying APA norms.
Acceptance conditioned to adjustments: these are documents that meet the acceptance criteria already described, but must improve some aspect of form and/or content. The evaluation form has a space for comments in which the evaluator specifies the changes and suggestions to be taken into account by the authors for their articles to be accepted.
Revise and resubmit to compete in a future call for papers: although the article presents a relevant and novel topic, a substantial revision should be made in the approach, structure, analysis of results or development of the argumentation. It is considered to have potential as a publishable article if the authors follow the recommendations.

Rejected: the article presents one or more of the following characteristics: it does not have a defined structure, the writing is sloppy, there is no thematic linkage or articulation between the sections. APA norms are not applied. The conclusions are poor or are omitted.

Once the evaluation is received, the Editorial Committee should send the results to the authors. In the case of Acceptance conditioned to adjustments, the authors have a period of fifteen (15) calendar days to send the improved version with the suggested indications.

The journal does not issue payments to reviewers. However, in recognition of their work, a certificate of participation will be issued upon request.