Teaching traditional cultural expressions through scenic creation


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traditional cultural expressions
folkloric workshop
scenic creation
artistic education

How to Cite

Marín Becerra, L. A. . (2022). Teaching traditional cultural expressions through scenic creation. Papel Escena, (18), 100–117. https://doi.org/10.56908/pe.n18.126 (Original work published January 31, 2022)


This article is based on the systematization of the event: Day of Peasant Resistance, held at Liceo Mi Refugio (Cali - Colombia) on the occasion of the National Agrarian, Ethnic and Popular Minga (2016). It is a project that was conceived in the subject Folkloric Workshop and allowed the teaching of Traditional Cultural Expressions associated with peasant labor, through scenic creation, as well as a horizontal and pedagogical conversation about the political situation with preschool and elementary school students. Its purpose is to analyze the teaching of Traditional Cultural Expressions through art. For this purpose, we consulted with experts on the subject at the regional level, with whom we discussed reflections on three categories of analysis: importance/function of the teaching of Traditional Cultural Expressions in the official curriculum, methodologies, teaching profile and the role of the University.

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