Editorial Team

Editorial Committee

Oswaldo Alfonso Hernández Dávila, Dean of the School of Performing Arts, Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes.

He has a degree in Dramatic Arts from the Universidad del Valle, and is an actor and theater director. With a trajectory in artistic education, he has been linked as an actor to the theater of the Taller de Cali, Teatro Experimental de Cali, Compañía Nacional de Teatro, Teatro Papagayo. He has taught at the Universidad Javeriana de Cali, the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente and the Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes, and has been linked to Bellas Artes since 1994 as administrative and teaching coordinator of the School of Performing Arts and as Academic and Research Vice Rector. He currently serves as Dean of the School of Performing Arts.

Luz Elena Muñoz Salazar, Director-Editor, Faculty of Performing Arts, Instituto Departmental de Bellas artes.

Technician in Business Administration, Bachelor in Performing Arts from Bellas Artes Cali, Specialist in Educational Playfulness from Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Master in Neuropsychology and Education from Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, doctoral student in Complex Thought from Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin of Mexico. Currently linked to the research group in art and populations (GINARTEP), in the line of research - Gender, Art and Creation: diverse dialogues, and head of the Department of Research in Artistic Pedagogy (DIPA) of the Faculty of Performing Arts at Bellas Artes Cali.

Víctor Hugo Enríquez Lenis, Proofreader, Faculty of Performing Arts, Departmental Institute of Fine Arts.

Master in Education with emphasis in ICT for Education, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana. B.A. in Theatrical Arts, Fine Arts, Institución Universitaria del Valle. Diploma in Art Didactics from the Instituto de las Artes de Cuba. Studies in Modern Languages at the Universidad del Valle and in the Specialization in Dramaturgy at the Universidad de Antioquia. Playwright with numerous plays, most of which have been staged, as well as three awards. Actor, stage director, teacher and researcher. Proofreader and editor of texts. Founder and coordinator for more than 6 years of the Semillero de Investigación en Dramaturgia SIDRA. Currently Director of the Creative Writing Workshop Escribir T at Espacio T, Cali, Colombia.

Scientific Committee

Olga Lucía Olaya Parra

Advisor and consultant in the field of art and education for more than 30 years in initial, basic, middle and higher education. Member of the Latin American Council of Education through Art CLEA and the International Society for Education through Art, Insea. She currently guides the field of visual arts in the Crea Program of Idartes in the city of Bogota. Postgraduate teacher at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas for more than 17 years.

Ruth Rivas Franco

Playwright. PhD student in Complex Thought. Master in Advanced Theater Studies at the International University of La Rioja. Specialist in Dramaturgy from the Universidad de Antioquia in agreement with the Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes. B.A. in Literature from Universidad del Valle. Bachelor of Arts in Theater from Bellas Artes, Cali. Currently works as a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Performing Arts of Bellas Artes, Cali.

Irina Verdesoto

PhD in Art from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, UPV, Master in Social Sciences mention in Anthropology from the Latin American Faculty, FLACSO Ecuador and Bachelor of Arts mention in Acting from the Faculty of Arts of the Central University of Ecuador, FAUCE, where she teaches. Her areas of interest are theater and anthropology, popular art, living community culture, disabilities and art; women, bicycles and the city. Within his artistic career stands out his most recent creation Alquería traca traca premiered on November 22, 2021 at the UPV, Valencia, is a multisensory immersion space for blind people where a Valencian sainete is narrated. And his previous work was Taday Siempre, a community theater work with students of the Andrés Guritave Educational Unit of the parish Taday, Cañar, Ecuador, as part of the Ancestral Knowledge project of the National University of Education, UNAE, second phase 2018-2020.

Katherine Peytrequín Gómez

Mujer de teatro y otros quehaceres. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Licenciada en Artes Dramáticas y Administración Educativa; y Bachiller en Bibliotecología y Nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación. En el campo de la administración, ejerce desde el año 2000 en diversas instituciones públicas y privadas de Costa Rica (Compañía Nacional de Danza, ALFORJA, Universidad de Costa Rica). En el campo de las artes escénicas, ejerce como directora teatral, actriz, gestora cultural y productora desde el año 2002 en lugares como el Teatro del Sol y Teatro Universitario de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Compañía Nacional de Teatro y la Compañía Raíz Teatro. Es funcionaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica en la Escuela de Artes Dramáticas desde el 2005; directora General y Artística Raíz Teatro.

Marcelo Zevallos Rimondi

Visual artist, researcher and teacher, he was trained at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in Peru, he is a founding member of the collective C.H.O.L.O. He currently holds a Master's degree in Culture Studies, with a mention in Art and Visual Studies from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Ecuador. During 2017 and 2018 he served as Deputy Director of Research and Library at ENSABAP. His research and creative practices address the cultural encounters and misencounters between colonial "heritages" and ancestral heritages. He currently teaches in the professional career of Artistic Education, specializing in Dramatic Art at the Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático "Guillermo Ugarte Chamorro" in Lima.